Tuesday, September 7, 2010

ARRO Brotherhood

ARRO Brotherhood

Going HighSchool

High school is another chapter of our life as individuals, we meet new friends, we meet new teachers, mentors, new individuals and we stand in a new and higher ground. From Gradeschool days, Gradeschool friends went to the same school and some chose to be far. We lost touch, but the bond was there.

During Freshmen Years

Freshmen is the first stage in Highschool, as Freshmen, we look up to the elders or should I say "ate" and "kuya", with respect. :D
Freshmen year was Unforgettable. During those days, we went to school before 7:30am, we clean our respected area, we clean our room, we shine the floor, we water the plants for a purpose. During those days, we compete, we work hard, we unite and of course we WON - Award for the Cleanest Room in the entire Campus.

Highschool life was fun, we share smiles, we shed tears, we create memories, we started dreaming.

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